Category Archives: Pets

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Shop All Day, Party All Night

Yesterday was a bit wild.

I woke up at 7 am. Like was wide awake. I tried to talk some sense into myself to go back to sleep, but it just wasn’t happening. I had a 10:30 am doctors appointment that turned into a noon doctors appointment because the office was so busy. Even though I woke up at 7, I did not have time to eat breakfast. Why? Because I was searching for cute puppy pictures on the internet all morning. Priorities, people.

The truth is, none of them are as cute as my puppy, Pepe.

I love him.

After camping out in my doctor’s office, I decided it was time to eat something. I went to Quizno’s and got a small veggie sub on rosemary parmesan bread. My fave. According to their website, the sandwich includes olives, guacamole, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, sautéed mushrooms, mozzarella, cheddar and red wine vinaigrette. I opted out of the onions and mushrooms and added pickles. Because they should be added to everything.

Once I was stuffed to the brim, I headed on over to Best Buy. Apparently, I left my camera charger back in Huntington Beach. Instead of driving 9 hours for a little charger, I decided to buy a new one. Of course, I didn’t think to bring my camera to see which charger to get. Luckily, they only had one option, so it wasn’t a hard decision. Once I got up to the checkstand I opened my wallet to pay and found an old Best Buy gift card. I practically got the charger for free and now have $6 on my card. Score!

I then decided to head on over to Marshalls to check out the new clothes. I saved money on my camera charger purchase, so I might as well waste it on more clothes, right? Well, I forgot how overwhelming Marshalls is and I immediately walked right back out of the store. All those racks of clothes and people looking for good deals freaks me out. It’s too crowded and scary and I just don’t know where to start once I get there. Maybe someday I will actually get as far as the clothing racks.

After my shopping extravaganza I decided to head home. It felt like 5 pm and I was exhausted! I looked at the clock: 2:30 pm. How did this happen? Time had gone by really slow and all I wanted to do was go home and cuddle in bed with a S’more Cupcake. So I did. While watching the psycho ladies of Real Housewives of New Jersey ruin a Christmas party, I realized I was supposed to pick up my new prescription. I realize this sounds like my prescription has something to do with being psycho, or New Jersey, but I promise it doesn’t. I rolled out of bed and drove on over to the store to pick up my medicine and my soda of the week, Diet Cherry 7Up. At least it has fruit in the name.

At 6 I went to a yoga class at my gym

Let me rephrase that. At 5:15 I went to a yoga class. That started at 6. There was a lot of sitting in the car playing with my iPhone time. While sitting around in my car, I realized that my phone can take pictures from the front. Funny thing is I knew iPhones did that, but for some reason it didn’t connect in my head that my iPhone could do that. I’m really bad at taking pictures of myself, so this is fantastic news. Plus, I won’t look crazy taking pictures of myself in parking lots anymore. Oh I’m just playing Checkers on my cell phone…no need to stare. 

Then I came home to a disaster.

Meet Puff

Puff is my cat that likes to sunbathe, get his belly rubbed and make you sneeze.

I came home to poor little Puff laying in the driveway with a giant chunk of fur missing on his neck. Upon further inspection, I noticed a giant gash on his neck. I immediately called my mom and told her about it. She then interrupts me and says
“Oh that? Yea, he’s had that for a while. Must have gotten into a fight or something.”

Uh…madre is now in big trouble for not saying anything about this to me before.
I felt terrible for my poor little kitty so I made a vet appointment to get him checked out. On the phone, the vet tech asks if his gums are pink.

My response:

“Uh, well, his gums are pretty white. Like really really really really light pink”


“Well are they  light pink or white? There’s a huge difference”

I don’t know!! I don’t inspect my cat’s gums everyday to see what color is normal.

I then brought him inside the kitchen (he’s an outdoor cat) because I felt bad for him. We had a cleaning party and did the dishes together while listening to Backstreet Boys.

Loungin’ while I’m doing the dirty work


more rollin’


After our cleaning adventure, I let him back outside, and now I have to catch him again later today for our vet appointment.

I may need an extra cup of coffee today.

Do you get totally intimidated by giant clothing stores? 

What’s your adventure for the day? 


Filed under Lunch, Pets, Uncategorized, Workouts

Roadtrip: Arizona, San Diego, Huntington Beach Recap

This morning I woke up with a raging migraine. Remember when I told you a brief summary about my migraines not too long ago? Today was one of those days. I woke up to my vision being fuzzy and I couldn’t even move my head without feeling naucious and like someone had smashed my head against a wall.

I was dying for a So Berry Good Smoothie, so I threw all of the ingredients into the blender and quickly ran out of the room away from the noise while it blended up. The cold smoothie totally hit the spot and helped relieve the pressure in my head.

Not the best way to wake up, but I’ve been laying in bed all day catching up on work I missed while on vacation. I was able to work on a few blog-related items, my speech for a meeting on Wednesday, finally uploading all of my pictures from the roadtrip, and cuddling with my dogs (which is my favorite thing to do after coming home from vacation).

Because really, who wants to leave these faces?

I love them!!

I’m super excited to finally be able to share my roadtrip pictures, so here they are!

The week was full of wind/dust/rain storms in the Grand Canyon, Shopping in Flagstaff, AZ, Swimming, Tanning, Fireworks, Visiting Schools, Beaches, Getting Lost, Yummy Dinners at a ’50’s diner, Little Italy and local restaurants, and Lots of Walking Around!!

There you go! Of course I have a million more pictures, but I didn’t want to bore you of the same ones over & over. I had a blast on my roadtrip and I hope you enjoy the pictures!! I have a ton of great recipes in the works and a few ideas I’m really excited to put together within the next couple of weeks. This is going to be a great month!

What is your favorite vacation that you’ve been on? 


Filed under Pets, Travel